NECO official portal for checking SSCE results remains
1. After buying my scratch card, I mistakenly paid into another school’s account. How do I rectify this problem?
Ans: Contact the state NECO officer with the details of the card used in making the payment as well as the centre numbers of both schools. This is necessary due to the need for proper identification before the restoration can take place.
2. The number of units for registration is less than the corresponding value of the card I have loaded. What can I do?
Ans: This situation can be resolved by going to the “Card Payment” =>”Resolve Missing Units” tab. You will be able to resolve any issue on missing registration units.
3. How can I print the candidate records I have registered?
Ans: Go to ‘School Reports’ => ‘School Detail Report’. Here, you can print out a list of all the registered candidates.
4. Is Continuous Assessment a necessary requirement for this online registration exercise?
Ans: Continuous Assessment is an important part of this registration exercise. This would ensure that the relevant NECO officials can retrieve the candidates’ Continuous Assessment records anywhere they may be and anytime they are needed.
5. How do I add the Continuous Assessment records of external candidates?
Ans: Centre administrators are required to request for the Continuous Assessment records of external candidates from their respective schools to enable them complete the registration for such candidates.
6. How do I register a student?
Ans: Go to ‘Registration’ => ‘Register Student’. After entering the student’s details, click the ‘Register’ button. You would get a confirmation if the registration is successful.
You would then be given two options to either register another student or view the exam card of the student you just registered.
7. I cannot remember my password. How do I retrieve it?
Ans: Report to the state NECO officer for assistance in retrieving your password if you have either forgotten it, or you are unable to log in with your current password. After you have been successfully identified as the administrator/representative of your centre, you would be given a new password which you could modify at a later time.
8. What do I enter as my username while logging into the portal?
Ans: The centre number assigned to your centre by NECO is to be entered in the username field while logging in.
9. I mistakenly registered a candidate twice. How do I delete it?
Ans: You can not delete a registered candidate from your record. You will need to get this done by contacting the NECO support personnel.
10. Some of my candidates don’t have middle names. Is it really compulsory?
Ans: Entering the middle names of candidates is not compulsory since some candidates may not have middle names. Do enter these names if they are provided but in cases where such names are unavailable, you can omit them.
11. Can I still edit after submitting the records I have entered?
Ans: You cannot edit records after they have been submitted. Contact the state NECO officer for further assistance. If the registration has been submitted, the message under the ‘status’ column of each student’s record would read ‘Confirmed’.
13. How can I view the records I have entered?
Ans: You can view the records on the ‘Registration History’ page. Under the ‘Status’ drop down list, you can either select ‘Registered’, ‘Not Registered’ or ‘Invalidated’ and then click on the ‘Get Records’ button to display the records. You can also choose how many records you want to view at once (i.e. 1,10,20,50 or 100).
14. After registering my candidate successfully. No Exam Number was assigned. What can i do?
Ans: You can resolve this problem by going to the Examination Number usage Tab (“Registration” -> “ExamNo Usage” tab) . The system will automatically attempt to resolve the error. If this action does not resolve the error, please contact the support team.
15. How do I know how many days I still have left to edit my records?
Ans: Check the ‘RD’ column on the ‘Registration History’ page. ‘RD’ stands for Remaining Days (the numbers of days within which you still have a chance to edit). Note that editing can be done within a seven (7) day period.
16: How do I submit the records I have just registered?
Ans: You don’t need to submit records manually anymore. The records would be automatically submitted at the end of the registration exercise.
17: I mistakenly registered one/some of my candidates in another school. How do I rectify this problem?
Ans: Contact the state NECO State officer with the details of the card used in making the registrations as well as the records of the student(s) involved.
18: How can I edit a student’s record?
Ans: Go to ‘Registration’ => ‘Record Editor’. Enter the student’s registration number, click the ‘Retrieve Record’ button. Please note that you can only edit certain fields. To Edit a candidate’s name you need to contact NECO support center.
19. I am yet to finish my registration using the card I bought and I just received a message that says I have 0 unit left. How do I resolve this as I am sure I paid for more units than I got?
Ans: This can be resolved by going to the “Card Payment” =>”Resolve Missing Units” tab. You will be able to resolve any issue on missing registration units.
20. I misplaced my scratch card(s). How do I retrieve the unused units?
Ans: Contact the state NECO officer with the details of the missing card(s) as soon as possible.
21. I cannot see some of the links on the portal (Registration etc). What do I do?
Ans: Contact the NECO site administrator for assistance.
22. Are pictures required in this registration exercise?
Ans: Passport photograph are NOW required in this registration exercise. NECO also expect you to provide your photo album during examination period.
23. What is the acceptable passport size?
Ans: PASSPORT PHOTOGRAPH SIZE for registration should have Maximum Height and Width = 140px, Minimum Height and Width=70px.
24. What is the official portal for checking NECO results Online