The 2019 WAEC GCE Aug/Sept BIOLOGY PRACTICAL (Obj & Essay) Solution Expo Questions and Answer=====================================
X - Eating
Y - Blowing
Z - Drinking
Biological System: Digestive system
Organs: Mouth, Tongue, Oesophagus
Biological system: Expiratory system
Organs: Lungs, Nostrils, Mouth
(i) Digestive system
(ii) Transport system
(iii) Excretory system
(iv) Muscular system
(i) It helps in excretion of unwanted materials
(ii) It forms saliva and mucus which helps to digest our food and keeps the mouth, nose, and eyes moist.
(iii) It delivers oxygen throughout the body
(iv) It boosts skin health and beauty by preventing it from with dehydration.
Bread - increased weight
Beans - intestinal discomfort
Vegetable - indigestion
Orange- Diarrhea
Water - hyponatremia
Butter - obesity
I - Queen
II -Soldier
III - Male (king)
IV - Worker
V - Nasute
I - Lay eggs and produce the young
II - Defend the territory
III - Mate with the queen
IV - Search for foods and feed the colony
V - Clean the territory or the colony
I - Queen : possession of eggs
II - Possession of power mandible
V - Possession of strongly built walking legs
Social behavior adaptation
Works or duties are shared among the castes
- Cause decomposition of materials eg wood
- Serves as food
- Promotes nutrients availability in the soil
Tabular Form;
Under I
(i)it has small head
(ii) the abdomen is large and
(iii)it has no walking legs
Under II
(i)it has big head
(ii)the abdomen is small
(iii)it has walking legs
I. Self pollination
II. Self pollination
III. cross pollination
I. Transfer of pollen grain from the anther of one flower for the stigma of the same flower
II. Transfer of pollen grains from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower on the same plant
III. Transfer of pollen grains from the anther of a flower to the stigma of another flower on a different plant of the species
(i) Sexual reproduction
(i) Flowers have reproductive organs
(ii) It involves the production of gametes
(i) Produces healthier seeds
(ii) Plants produced from III are more likely to survive changes in environmental conditions
(iii) It leads to greater variations among species and a faster rate of evolution
(i)butterfly (insect)
(ii)birds (aves)
(iii)man (mammals)
It will lead the formation of a new hybrid
(i)the pollens are rough and sticky
(ii)the stigma is flat with sticky surface to recures the pollens
(iii)the way the petals are arranged
(iv)maturation of stamens and stigmas
(i)the plants have large conscious petals and sepal
(ii)the flower are brightly colored
(iii)the flower possess scent
(iv)the flower have nectar.
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