NECO GCE Civic Education Obj and Essay/Theory Answer - Nov/Dec 2017 Expo
Lawrence Victor
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NECO GCE Nov/Dec 2017 Civic education Obj and essay Questions and Answer Expo CIVIC OBJ: 1-10: EDABABBBDB 11-20: ECCCADADDB 21-30: CDCCCBBBE...
NECO GCE Nov/Dec 2017 Civic education Obj and essay Questions and Answer Expo
NO. 1
1a)Public service is a service which is
provided by government to people living
within its jurisdiction, either directly (through
the public sector) or by financing provision of
1)promote the constitutionally prescribed
values and principles governing public
administration in the public service;
2)investigate, monitor and evaluate the
organisation and administration, and the
personnel practices, of the public service;
3)propose measures to ensure effective and
efficient performance within the public service;
4)give directions aimed at ensuring that
personnel procedures relating to recruitment,
transfers promotions and dismissals comply
with the constitutionally prescribed values and
principles;report in respect of its activities and
the performance of its functions, including any
finding it may make and directions and advice
it may give, and to provide an evaluation of
the extent to which the constitutionally
prescribed values and principles are complied
with; and
5)either of its own accord or on receipt of any
complaint –
a) investigate and evaluate the application of
personnel and public administration practices,
and report to the relevant executive authority
and legislature;
b) investigate grievances of employees in the
public service concerning official acts or
omissions, and recommend appropriate
c) monitor and investigate adherence to
applicable procedures in the public service;
d) advise national and provincial organs of
state regarding personnel practices in the
public service, including those relating to the
recruitment, appointment, transfer, discharge
and other aspects of the careers of employees
in the public service.
Traffic regulation can be defined as the rules
and regulations which guide the behavior or
action of road users.
i.)poverty: trafficking of children often involves
exploitation of the parents extreme poverty
ii.)greed:This is when people have a strong
desire for more things than they need such as
having more food,money,power,etc
4a)Nationalism can be defined as loyalty and
devotion to a nation; especially :a sense of
national consciousness, it also means exalting
one nation above all others and placing
primary emphasis on promotion of its culture
and interests as opposed to those of other
nations or supranational groups
7a. Indirect Democracy
This is also known as Representative
Democracy. These Is when the democracy
becomes government of the people,by the
people and for the people by late Abraham
Lincoln American President
1. Freedom of the press- the print and
electronic media should be free to express
their opinion without threat.
2. Free association and group- people should
be free to join any association
3. Rule of law
4. Separation of power
5. Political parties
The rule of law is the legal principle that law
should govern a nation, as opposed to being
governed by decisions of individual
government officials. It primarily refers to the
influence and authority of law within society,
particularly as a constraint upon behaviour,
including behaviour of government officials.
Civil society group can be defined as an organized non-govermental groups and constitution that manifest the interest of citizens and are independent of the government
This group enable's those in government to run the affairs of the in a positive and progressive manner
civil society raise public corcern about any abuse of power
Some civil society groups educates members of their fundamental and political participation
This group provides enabling training group for future leaders
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