NECO GCE 2017 Biology Obj and Theory/Essay Answer — Nov/Dec Expo
Lawrence Victor
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The Real NECO GCE Nov/Dec 2017 Biology obj and essay/theory Questions and Answer Expo. Biology OBJ: 1-10: CBDCEEECEA 11-20: EBABDABDDE 21-30...
The Real NECO GCE Nov/Dec 2017 Biology obj and essay/theory Questions and Answer Expo.
Biology OBJ:
Bio Theory:
sexual reproduction is define as the fusion or joining often male and female or nuclei from different individuals to form a zygote which later develops into an embryo or organism.
I. Abstaining from sex
II. Use of condom
III. Sterilization
Mutualism: this is the association where by organisms benefits mutually win which one of them is so dependent upon the other for some critical resources of functions that it cannot survive in given environment without the other
WHILE Commensalism is the relationship in which one of the partner called commensail benefits while the other called host is neither benefited nor harm
-Good examples for mutualism include the relationship between bees and flowers as well as humans and digestive bacteria while Examples for commensalism include hermit crabs using dead gastropods for shelter or millipedes travelling on birds
i)Hooks and suckers allow it to hold on tightly to the wall of the intestine
ii)Its flat body gives it a large surface area to absorb food
iii)It has no need of a mouth or gut as it absorbs already digested food
-Evidences from Palaeontology
Respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the toad and its environment. Oxygen is taken into the body and carbon dioxide is given off. Every cell of the body consumes oxygen. With the help of oxygen, the assimilated food which is stored within the cells is slowly oxidised.
The result is the liberation of heat energy, and formation of carbon dioxide and water. Thus when glucose is oxidised, one molecule of glucose combines with six molecules of oxygen to form six molecules of carbon dioxide and six molecules of water.
1) consideration of the oxygen isotopic records of low latitude temperature variations;
2) discussion of the physical arguments for temperature stability within the tropics;
3) examination of climate model-derived tropical temperatures;
4) examination of model evidence for tropical salinity differences between different time periods in Earth history
i. Natality (birth rate):This refers to the rate of given birth to new organisms. This generally (be it plants or animals) leads to increase in population.
ii. Mortality (death rate):This refers to the rates at which organisms die in a habitat. Mortality generally leads to a decrease in population.
iii. Immigration (dispersal):This is the movement of organisms from different habitats into a new habitat. This tends to increase the population of this new area.
Iv. Emigration: This is the movement of organisms out of a habitat due to either scarcity of food or unfavourable conditions or for breeding purposes. This, however, reduces the population of a habitat.
V. Availability of food: The availability of food in a given habitat tends to increase the population of that habitat through rapid rate of reproduction and other organisms coming into feed.
i. homozygousis when a cell has two identical copies of a gene. An example ofhomozygousis a cell
ii. heterozygote -is an individual having two different alleles of a particular gene or genes, and so giving rise to varying offspring
iii. parasite- an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving
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NECO GCE 2017 Biology Obj and Theory/Essay Answer — Nov/Dec Expo
Description : The Real NECO GCE Nov/Dec 2017 Biology obj and essay/theory Questions and Answer Expo. Biology OBJ: 1-10: CBDCEEECEA 11-20: EBABDABDDE 21-30...
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