NECO Office Practice OBJ, ESSAY/Theory Questions and Answer - May/June 2017 Expo Runz
Advantages of open office
1. Better space utilization is possible, because space has not been lost by partitions.
2. The section-heads or supervisors feel easy to watch the office. It is also possible to reduce the number of supervisors.
3. The layout of the office can be altered or changed without any expense.
4. There is more economy in arrangement of light.
5. Easy communication from department to department is possible.
6. Decoration, cleaning and maintenance can be done inexpensively.
7. Better working condition is possible.
8. It reduces the movement of staff.
Disadvantages of open office
1. Work will be affected by visitors and movement of the staff themselves.
2. There will be internal noise, because of the conversation and talks in the office by staff themselves or visitors.
3. Infections and disease may spread quickly.
4. A big hall may not be efficiently supervised.
5. The office will appear to be a crowded place.
6. Secrecy cannot be maintained.
7. Top executives may not feel comfortable in the open office.
The formal organization is basically goal-oriented entity that exist to accurate the efforts of individuals and it refers to the structure of jobs and positions with clearly defined functions, responsibilities and authorities.
Hierarchy, Teams, Decision making, Advancement Potential
1. It Relieves Monotony
2. Maintains Standardization
3. Better Control
4. Greater Efficiency
5. Lower Cost of Operation
6. Better Quality of Work
Single administrative document
(I) a periodical containing news and items of interest concerning a particular trade. A publication covering, and intended to reach, a specific industry or type of business.
(ii) An invoice , bill or tab is a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer , relating to a sale transaction and indicating the
products , quantities, and agreed prices for products or services the seller had provided the buyer.
(iii) a list or record, as of items for sale or courses at a university, systematically arranged and often including descriptive material:
a stamp catalog. something that contains such a list or record, as a book, leaflet, or file.
(iv) a document sent by a supplier to a customer to inform him that goods he ordered have been dispatched. It usually gives details such as the quantity of goods and how they have been sent.
i. A letter of appointment is a written offer of a specified position in an organization. After a candidate has gone through all the necessary interviews and pre-screening, they will be issued a letter of appointment if they are chosen for the job. It sometimes, but not always, confirms details of the said position and the start date. It may also include salary and bonus information.
ii. A job application letter (also known as a cover letter) is a letter you send with your resume to provide information on your skills and experience. This letter is your chance to “sell” yourself to an employer, explaining why you are an ideal candidate for a position.
1. a set of instructions given to a person about a job or task.
2. a summary of the facts and legal points in a case given to a barrister to argue in court.
3. a letter from the Pope to a person or community on a matter of discipline.
1. having the form of a circle.
2. (of an argument) already containing an assumption of what is to be proved, and therefore fallacious.
3. (of a letter or advertisement) for distribution to a large number of people.
Personal details
working experience
1. Appointment scheduling and calendar management
2. Bookkeeping
3. Client management
4. Housekeeping
5. Office duties
6. Marketing
7. Record management
An assembly of people for a particular purpose, especially for formal discussion.
-To sort out any conflicts.
-To negotiate a contract or agreement, or matters to do with it.
-To deal with a current problem within the group or within the business or organisation.
-To receive a report for assessment and review.
Office practices
– record who has been allocated any tasks or responsibilities
– provide details of the meeting to anyone unable to attend
– confirm any decisions made
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