NECO 2017 Geography (Practical And Physical) OBJ And Theory Expo Answer
Lawrence Victor
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NECO Practical and Physical Geography OBJ, ESSAY/Theory Questions and Answer - May/June 2017 Expo Runz Geography Obj: 1BCACDBCEAE 11ECDAA...
Geography Obj:
i)Erosional plains
ii)Structural plains
3b)Structural plains:
They are relatively undisturbed horizontal surfaces of the Earth. They are structurally depressed areas of the world that make up some of the most extensive natural lowlands on the Earth's surface.
Erosional plains:
They are plains that have been leveled by various agents of denudation such as running water, rivers, wind and glacier which wear out the rugged surface and smoothens them. Plain resulting from the action of these agents of denudation are called peneplains (almost plain) while plains formed from wind action are called pediplains.
i)for farming
ii)Building industrial Area
iii)Building residential area
iv)Grazing Livestock
Volcanicity can be define as the eruption of molten magma onto the earth surface due to high temperature and pressure of the molten magma.
Batholity - a very large igneous intrusion extending to an unknown depth in the earth's crust. While
Dyke - is a thick wall that is built to stop water flooding onto very low-lying land from a river or from the sea.
ii)fast flood
iii)Rock falls
iv)Mud slide
Gully erosion Can be defined as the removal of soil along drainage lines by surface water runoff.
Sheet Erosion can be defined as the erosion that removes surface material more or less evenly from an extensive area as contrasted with erosion along well-defined drainage lines that produces or enlarges gullies or ravines.
Overgrazing occurs when farmers stock too many animals such as sheep, cattle or goats on their land.
Overcropping is when the land is being continuously under cultivation and is not allowed to lie fallow between crops.
I)Planting Vegetation
II)Retaining Walls/Edging
1)Pointdata exists when a feature is associated with a single location in space. Examples of point features include a fire lookout tower, an oil well or gas activity site, and a weather station.
2)Lineardata exists when a feature's location is described by a string of spatial coordinates. Examples of linear data include rivers, roads, pipelines, etc.
3)Area data exists when a feature is described by a closed string of spatial coordinates. An area feature is commonly referred to as apolygon. Examples of polygonal data include forest stands, soil classification areas, administrative boundaries, and climate zones.
1)it is crucial to making aerialand satellite imagery, usually raster images, useful for mapping as it explains how other data, such as the above GPSpoints, relate to the imagery.
2)it is very essential information may be contained in data or images that were produced at a different point of time.
3)it obtained from surveying tools like total stationsmay be given a point of reference from topographic maps already available.
4)it can be used to analyze the changes in the features under study over a period of time.
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