NECO 2017 Biology Practical Expo Answer - June/July
Lawrence Victor
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NECO Biology practical Questions and Answer Solution - May/June 2017 Expo Runz 1ai) A=Toad B=Thoracic Vertebra C=Lumbar vertebra D= Pride ...
NECO Biology practical Questions and Answer Solution - May/June 2017 Expo Runz
1ai)A=ToadB=Thoracic Vertebra C=Lumbar vertebra D= Pride of Barbados E=Millipede F=Agama Lizard1aii)CLICK HERE FOR THE IMAGECLICK HERE FOR CLEARER IMAGE1aiii)B===>located in chest, attached to the ribsC===>located in loin1aiv)Tabulate SPECIMEN Bi)They are 12 in numberii)they are largeiii)They are rigidiv)less vulnerable to degenerative conditions v) less massiveSPECIMEN Ci)They are only 5ii)They are the largest iii)They are flexible iv)more vulnerable to degenerative conditions due to its weight - bearing function v)more massiveSPECIMEN B | SPECIMEN C |
i)They are 12 in number
ii)they are large
iii)They are rigid
iv)less vulnerable to degenerative conditions
v) less massive | i)They are only 5
ii)They are the largest
iii)They are flexible
iv)more vulnerable to degenerative conditions due to its weight-bearing function
v)more massive
1av)i)Both have large centrum ii)Both have neural spine iii) Both support the body and protect the spinal cord
2ai) G- foot of domestic fowlH-foot of domestic duckI-tomatoe fruitJ-coconut fruitK-dry bean podL-combretion fruit2ii) i) they both have clawsii) they both have three toes in front and one at the backiii) they are both used for walking2iii) Specimen - H: is webbed while sec-G is not2iv)i) for scratchingii) for walking/running i.e locomotion2v)i) prominent hind limb for running away from treatsii) prominent claws for scratching the ground in search of food2bi)I- simple sacculent fruit - berryJ-simple sacculent fruit - drupeK-simple dry dehicent fruit- legumeL-simple dry dehiscent fruit2bii) Tabulate I and Jspecimen-Ii)multi-seededii)endocarp is juicyiii)mesocarp is juicyiv)several carpel are foundedv)several ovariesspecimen-Ji)one seededii)endocarp is hardiii)monocarp may be fleshy or fibirousiv)monocarpelv)superior ovaryspecimen-I | specimen-J |
ii)endocarp is juicy
iii)mesocarp is juicy
iv)several carpel are founded
v)several ovaries | i)one seeded
ii)endocarp is hard
iii)monocarp may be fleshy or fibirous
v)superior ovary |
2biii)K-dispersal by explosive mechanismL-dispersal by wind
3ai)M-Adult butterflyN-prawnO-earthwormP-tapeworm3aii)M-the class to which it belongs is INSECTA3iii)OBSERVATION Feature of M:i)A pair of clubbed antenaeii)A head,thorax and abdomeniii)wings.3aiv) OBSERVABLE feature of N:i)anteneaii)pinceriii)abdomeniv)swimmeretsv)walking legs3av)M-pollination of flowersN-serve as food to man3bi)Observable features of specimens Pi)scolexii)neckiii)proglottids3bii)Tabulate-Features-i)scolexii)neckiii)proglottids-functions-i)It has hooks/suckers to help it hold on to the host's tissuesii)holds and supports the scolexiii)bears the testes and ovaries for reproduction-Features- | -functions- |
iii)proglottids | i)It has hooks/suckers to help it hold on to the host's tissues
ii)holds and supports the scolex
iii)bears the testes and ovaries for reproduction |
3biii)O-the phylum it belongs to annelida P-the phylum it belongs to platyhelminthes3biv)i)they help to loosen the top soilii)their faces serve as manure to the soil ========================= posts all exam expo answer earlier than others============================
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